Does he like you?

There are many girls outside that wants to know if a guy likes her. if your one of these girls than please take my quiz and you will find out the answer to if he likes you or not. this is my point of view. if you are truthful of this quiz then you will get your righte answer. if u do not tell the truth, then you wont get the thing thats true.

DO YOU WANT TO KNOW IF YOUR CRUSH LIKES YOU? WELL IF U DO THEN TAKE THIS QUIZ! NOW HURRY! now you dont have to wonder because the answers are right here!!!! and thannks to this great quiz, in a few mins u will find out!! so take this quiz now!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: ashely
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hey
  2. ok here we go. does he ever say hi to U?
  3. what does he do when ever you walk in the class room?
  4. does he ever touch u?
  5. do u guys ever hang out?
  6. does he ever throw a rubber band at u? or do somethign to get yr attenion?
  7. does he ever laugh at yr lamo jokes?
  8. does he ever say u look pretty today or comment u( something good )
  9. do u guys ever talk? or be in a team to work on something in class?
  10. did u tell the truth all this time?
  11. final thing. if u didnt tel the truth thn plz go back n tell the truth so u get rite answers.

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