Does he like you?

You don't always get the guy you want. And you don't want to waste your time thinking about a boy who nothing's going to happen with. Luckily you have this quiz to help...

Does your crush like you back? I hope so. But to find out, you just need to take this great quiz. Answer truthfully so that you get the true result. Hope you enjioy it...

Created by: Rachel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he make eye contact with you?
  2. Is it usuaully him who starts a conversation?
  3. Have people said he's into you?
  4. Does he make excuses to talk to you?
  5. Are his friends acting nicer to you?
  6. Does he laugh at your jokes, even when they arn't funny?
  7. Does he give you compliments?
  8. Does he jokingly push you around?
  9. When he talks to you, does he jumble up his words or go red?
  10. Has he ever asked one of your friends anything about you?

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