Does fear control your morals?

Fear is everywhere. Some people are ruled by it, some people deny it, and some people thrive on it. Fear keeps some people from doing the right thing.

Are you one of those people? Are you too scared to do the right thing? Will you let someone fall by the wayside or will you be the good samaritan? Take this quiz and find out.

Created by: mwong
  1. If you saw someone about to jump off a bridge, would you...
  2. You find out your sibling is involved with the mafia. If word gets out, you both die. Do you...
  3. You see someone being bullied by someone much larger than yourself. Do you...
  4. Your friend tells you that you must do drugs in order to stay friends. Do you...
  5. You see a cop asking for favors in exchange for turning a blind eye. The cop sees you. Do you...
  6. Your parents are going through a divorce. Your dad is yelling threateningly at your mom. Do you...
  7. You have a secret talent (singing etc...) that you would be bullied for if people found out. You...
  8. You are in the Hunger Games with your best friend. Do you...
  9. You are in a burning building. You see someone else. Do you..
  10. You live under a facist dictator. A violent rebellion begins. Do you...
  11. Your friends are making fun of you because of your weight. Do you...
  12. You see a really sketchy hobo(like super sketchy). Do you...
  13. You see a black guy being bullied by a large group of your white friends. Do you..
  14. A gun is about to be fired at your friend. Do you...
  15. You see Mrs.Carlson beating up a student. Do you...

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Quiz topic: Does fear control my morals?