Doc Martin Quiz

This quiz will test your Doc Martin knowledge to a fine degree. Ranging from actors to quotes and storylines, you will be tested more than the great Dr Ellingham himself.

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Created by: H

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who played the character Roger Fenn in Series 1 of Doc Martin?
  2. What is the name of the Jack Russell in Doc Martin?
  3. How many series's of the show has there been, including the one currently airing? (2011)
  4. What was Doc Martin's dad called?
  5. In which series does Doc Martin falsely diagnose impetigo in the village?
  6. What is the name of the hill on which Doc Martin's surgery in located?
  7. What car does Doc Martin drive?
  8. What is Doc Martin's surname?
  9. Who wrote Series 1, Episode 1 of Doc Martin?
  10. What position did Doc Martin previously hold in his London hospital?

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