DoA- Which character are you?

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This quiz is about a not-yet-finished book written by a hungarian girl. The characters have many quialities (good and bad) and she tried her best creating this quiz.

Please do not take personally what you get at the end, this is more like a joke, . The creator didn't want to insult anyone. Have a nice day, random stranger! :)

Created by: Penny
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite color?
  2. Favorite food?
  3. What is the strongest bond?
  4. What creature would you be?
  5. What is the worst?
  6. What would you save first in a fire?
  7. Favorite music?
  8. Are you in a relationship?
  9. Your responsibility?
  10. How would you react if your friend were a supernatural creature and she/he told you?

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Quiz topic: DoA- Which character am I?