Do you use good hygiene( girls only)

Is your hygiene bad or good or great? Do you wanna know? Take this quiz for fun or just because, heck, you wanna no why possibly a peep says you smell like crap.

Did you ever wonder? Don't take my are you selfish quiz, I messed up like crap. Thank you read this please like my quiz okay thanks goodbye hope you like it.

Created by: Bella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you shower once a day?
  2. Do you shave
  3. Do you put deodorant on?
  4. Do you have clean, un-wrinkled clothes that smell good?
  5. Do you brush your teeth?
  6. Do you care about hygiene?
  7. Do you have stinky anything
  8. Do you wash your hair, so that it smells nice and looks clean
  9. Do people have a problem with you and ask for you to have better hygiene?
  10. Do you think you have good hygiene

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Quiz topic: Do I use good hygiene( girls only)