Do you think you know seventh son?

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Have you read the book seventh son? Did you hear there was a movie released on march 27th? Well I'm about to give you the biggest fantasy test you'll ever take!

Do you think you read the books? Have you seen the film? Well in just in a few moments you will see just how much you know about seventh son! Good luck!

Created by: Conor hall
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What age is seventh son?
  2. What is the name of the main character?
  3. When was the movie released?
  4. What is the movie based on?
  5. What genre is seventh son?
  6. Where was it released first?
  7. What is the movie about?
  8. What company made the movie?
  9. What is the book about?
  10. Who is your favourite character?

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Quiz topic: Do I think you know seventh son?