Do you think you are smart?

Are you a genius? Take this quiz to find out. We will give you straight answers to whether you are a genius. Some are dumb, some are smart. Find out which one are you.

Do you think you have enough brainpower to go to college when you are ten? Well, you will find out in this quiz. If you are genius, average, or stupidly dumb.

Created by: Annie Bauer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the last grade you have gotten?
  2. What is the best grade you have ever gotten?
  3. How much does your teacher like you?
  4. What is your best subject?
  5. Do you read big books?
  6. Can you write fast?
  7. Do you use big words?
  8. How many languages do you know?
  9. How often do you raise your hand?
  10. Have you ever skipped a grade?

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Quiz topic: Do I think you are smart?