Do you REALLY think you know him?

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You probably are wondering,"Does he really like me? Do I REALLY know him?" etc. Well, now here's a quiz to answer those questions! Love is very powerful, and is very strong. Love means to die for someone, work for someone, spend there whole life with someone, and like it.

This quiz reveals the questions that you have been wanting a answer to. Please be honest with the quiz, and not lie about it to get a perfect score. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: KiKiTheKlever
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats his favorite color, and fave sport? (>:3)
  2. Whats his favorite thing to watch?
  3. (Not related to the quiz topic but...) If he asked you to go to prom with him, what would you say?
  4. Whats his favorite food?
  5. If you could go somewhere with him, where do you think you would want to BOTH go?
  6. Whats the color of his eyes? (NU PICTURE! plz. ^-^)
  7. What kind of music does he like to listen to?
  8. Whats his personality?
  9. If he asked you if he could sit by you, what would your response be?
  10. Your in Gym, and he is one of the people to pick whose on there team for a running race. Do you think he would pick you?

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Quiz topic: Do I REALLY think you know him?