do you really know warriors?

Many cats have tried but failed. You will need all your warrior knolegde and instincts to pass the test, rankings going from a soft kittypet to a great loyal warrior. Where are you at?

Do you have what it takes to become an awesome warrior or are you going to end up as a soft kittypet? Find out in this test of you knoledge of the great warrior cats of the clans.

Created by: Aryanna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Firestar's sister's name?
  2. Who is Sandstorm's father?
  3. All of these except (?) Are graystripe's kits.
  4. Which three are Bluestar's kits and which one survived?
  5. Who was Tallstar's deputy before he changed the role to Onewhisker?
  6. In Crookedstar's promise, Crookedkit originaly had this name:
  7. Who are Sandstorm's aunts?
  8. Who killed Spotedleaf in the first series?
  9. Who killed Redtail?
  10. Which cat that gave Firestar his nine lives died completely and vanished into nothing in the Great battle?
  11. Which clan is the best clan of all?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know warriors?