the quiz of warriors

This quiz you are about to take has a few questions about the past of warriors.(when bluestar was an apprentice) So if you do not know anything (like i did) just open up the book! (i don't care if you do just don't cheat w/

Are you ready to take on this quiz?(it is not like you are battling a ninja don't worry) Well you can! this quiz will give you a personality veiw of 4 charecters of the warriors series.

Created by: epicem
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who do you think represents you the most?
  2. what do you do in your spare time?
  3. HOLY STARCLAN!!!!!!!!! BADGER ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHAT DO YA DO??????
  4. WhO DO LIKe the mOsT?
  5. random: see what you know now! who was tigerstar's mother and father?(no google allowed!)
  6. What would you be doing if nothing was going on??
  7. true of false? Pinestar ran away as a kittypet
  8. ok see if you can get these names from the tribe right:Brook where small fish swim
  9. do you like to talk your head off???
  10. you like to help right?

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