Do you need diapers?

Are you an AB/DL looking for a quiz to kill a few minutes with? Are you curious to see if you're in need of diapers? Well, he is a quiz I threw together out of boredom!

Do you need diapers? Or do you just want to wear them? Find out in a few minutes by answering a handful of simple questions. Who knows, you may find you actually DO need diapers!

Created by: CaptRaichu
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever had a wet accident during the day after being potty-trained?
  2. Have you even had a messy accident during the day after being potty-trained?
  3. If you've had a wet accident during the day, how bad was it?
  4. If you've had a messy accident during the day, how bad was it?
  5. Have you ever had a wet accident while sleeping after being potty-trained?
  6. Have you ever had a messy accident while sleeping after being potty-trained?
  7. Do you currently wear protection?
  8. Are you wearing a diaper right now?
  9. When you wear diapers, do you just wear, just wet, or wet and mess?
  10. If you've had a wet accident while sleeping, how bad was it?
  11. If you've had a messy accident while sleeping, how bad was it?

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Quiz topic: Do I need diapers?