do you love your girlfriend?

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HAY HAY ashely this is david plz take this test i love you love might just be a word to you but if you want to be in love go out there and find that perfect one this is the worst test ever but im only 12 so it sucks

well i have nothing to say to you except good luck and fight the good fight my fellow brothers we shall love untill death and then beyond that then some tacos

Created by: deathkiller6
  1. how much do you and your girlfriend have in common?
  2. would you give your life for her?
  3. if you were to be robed would you give your life to set her free?
  4. do you love her
  5. " as we walk throught the vally of the shadow of deayh we shale fear no evil, when the god of my love is with me she lights my way" what does this mean to you?
  6. love is just a comoflosh for what resembles hate am i right
  7. if she dies will you kill yourself
  8. so far this bad
  9. would you propose to her
  10. this is for the girls/guys. would you giver your baby up
  11. so far you have had a good love bettwen you two but this is the most important ? of all ready would you stay with her forever no cheating no strip clubs ect.

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Quiz topic: Do I love my girlfriend?