Do you like your friends Quiz

Well, you found my quiz. I imagine it probably wasn't that hard. But now, for your final answer. Do you like your friends. Find out in 12 questions.

You are still reading. Talk about persistence. This is the boring disclaimer stuff so skip if you like. I do not have any actual knowledge of whether or not you like your friends.

Created by: Jack Stephenson
  1. What do you get your friend for their birthday?
  2. What do you do when your friend comes to you with a problem?
  3. Your friends ex-girlfriend/boyfriend asks you out and you really want to say yes. What do you do?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. How long do you hang out with your friends?
  6. How many interests do you and your friends share?
  7. Do you contemplate your friendship?
  8. Why are you taking this quiz?
  9. Where are you now?
  10. Do you think that you like your friends?

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Quiz topic: Do I like my friends Quiz