Do you like Halo or Call Of Duty

Are you having trouble finding out if you like Halo or Call Of Duty. Halo is a Sc-Fi game and Call Of Duty takes place in real war that had happend through histroy.

This quiz has a set of question that will tell you if you like Halo or Call Of Duty. Try to be honest in these questions please. Now lets see what you like!

Created by: QuizerMan82
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like Si-Fi or Nonfiction?
  2. Do you like amor?
  3. Do you easter eggs in games?
  4. Do you like to bye stuff in the game?
  5. Do you like red blood or blue blood?
  6. Do you like bullets or plasma?
  7. Do you like driving veicles?
  8. Do you like atachments?
  9. Do you like troables?
  10. Last but not least. Withch one do you want to like

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Quiz topic: Do I like Halo or Call Of Duty