Do you like feyd rautha?

Do you like feyd rautha? From the film dune? Well why don't you find out and see for yourself by taking this quiz. Well hope you have fun and cheers!!

Do you like feyd rautha? Yeah, there are no other quizes like this one so its quite unique. Well I hope you have fun and don't forget that it's ONLY A QUIZ.

Created by: Hi ugly
  1. First of all, how often do you watch dune?
  2. Ok, what do you think of feyd rauthas hair?
  3. Do you like his evilness? (Of course I dont, just asking)
  4. Have you ever just wished he was right beside you?
  5. What would you do if you were in a really, really, really big room with a plastic laminate flooring,(weird question I know), and it was just you and feyd rautha in there, what would you do?
  6. What would you do if feyd lived with you and one night he comes in to your room and says that he can't sleep, you do what?
  7. You faint in the snow.feyd brings you to his flat and looks after u Feyd rescues you, you:
  8. Do you know how old feyd is?
  9. Feyd hugs you one day. You:
  10. Do you like feyd?
  11. Last question. What if feyd wants to kiss you?

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Quiz topic: Do I like feyd rautha?