Do You Know the Greek Gods?

"Take this test to see if you know about Greece and Rome. Take this test if you like any Greek mythology. And yes this is about Greek gods, if you didn't even notice and just go around clicking things. :).

Ok all you people in the world, think you know Greek myths? Take this test and see if you can ace it? Just try it.

Created by: john
  1. Who was replaced by apollo in Roman mythology?
  2. Which god is not allowed on Olympus?
  3. Lightning bolt, trident, tarturus.
  4. Thanotos got trapped by who.
  5. Gaia represents what.
  6. Hercules is mostly unknown by his original name which is.
  7. Who ate the pomagranate seed?
  8. Morpheus god of
  9. Who is king
  10. Zeus in roman is.

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