Do you know Sevensupergirls?

Sevensupergirls videos was made for people to watch entertainment.what is Sevensupergirls? Sevensupergirls is 7 girls making videos for lots of people to enjoy.

Do you want to be a Sevensupergirls member?if you do just comment on YouTube and tell them the real truth of war you think of them. Don't be shy and nervous. Be yourself.

Created by: Sharrc16
  1. How many girls are in ssg?
  2. What are two of their names that are both in 1 video.?
  3. Who is your favorite?
  4. What are the names?
  5. What is Kaelyn's sign off?
  6. What is the best theme you prefer?
  7. Who is the most girlie you think?
  8. Do you love Sevensupergirls?
  9. At what age do they leave ssg?
  10. If you love ssg,subscribe them!!!!

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Quiz topic: Do I know Sevensupergirls?