do you know pokemon?

this is for poke fans only so get into gear and get ready for a bumpy ride as u go through 10 fairly easy questions to get 100% so i wonder how you will manage this awsome pokemon quiz goodluck

are you a real pokemon fan? if you answer try it and see how you do if you answer yes try it anyway this is my first quiz so plz try it once atleast it was good enough to check so try it out for a spin

Created by: goozack
  1. what pokemon is 151?
  2. what pokemon is steel type?
  3. which pokemon is legendary?
  4. E=Mc2
  5. what do you like to play?
  6. what poke mon is 493?
  7. are you bored yet?
  8. back to pokemon, what pokemon is real?
  9. which pokemon starts with 'm'?
  10. do you think you did good?

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Quiz topic: Do I know pokemon?