Do you know me as well as I know Beth

Beth's quiz was more difficult than I thought but did prove I knew her as well as I thought I did. I promised her I would make one about me so now lets see who knows me as much.

Each question has 3 answers to choose from. Your responses will tell me how well you know me or if you don't at all. 1 answer is the correct one if you really know me 1 answer is a pretty good guess if you know me at all and one answer is just wrong

Created by: Allison
  1. Gremlin is...
  2. A burnout is
  3. What happens when you go to a Puerta Rican Packie
  4. True or False I brought someone home- left them stranded at my house -they had to look for a piece of mail to find out where they were - then call their intern in Boston to come pick them up
  5. When the phone in my moms basement was off the hook it had been used to...
  6. My favorite pirate is...
  7. When it comes to fast food I wish most that...
  8. I would and have done anything for lobster pie including...
  9. My favorite food is anything covered in...
  10. Which of the following have I received as a Christmas Present

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Quiz topic: Do I know me as well as I know Beth