Do you know Kamisama Kiss anime characters well enough?

Do you think you are a true Kamisama Kiss fan? Take this quiz to find out? La lalalaa I am bored I don't wanna write anything else please take this thx!

Please take this quiz to see if you know the anime Kamisama Kiss. Enough said, please take this I don't feel like writing more, thank you thank you thanks!

Created by: Mylittlemonster
  1. Who is the new land god of the Mikage shrine?
  2. Who is the familiar of the Mikage shrine?
  3. Who is a tengu that goes as a celebrity in the human world?
  4. What color are Nanami's eyes?
  5. Does Tomoe like Nanami first or is it the other way around?
  6. Who is Mizuki?
  7. Who is a girly man?
  8. How do you make a contract with the familiar?
  9. How old is Tomoe?
  10. Which of these men do not have a crush on Nanami?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Kamisama Kiss anime characters well enough?