Hellow to all my Pirates of the Caribbean fans i am one of them and i was knda bord after bing in the house on my own so i thought i would try this. and you can try my quiz.

No are YOU a True pirate fan do you know captain jack is the most important of all the questions so to prove to me you are take this quiz and find out you sea dogs grrr

Created by: mama helena
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. OKAY let's start easy. who is the actor who plays the amazing Captain jack sparrow
  2. why did elizabeth kiss jack in potc2
  3. what can't jack resist out of all of theas ansaws
  4. Who is his enemy
  5. Who is joshame gibbs ?
  6. Easy one..... dose jack like monkeys
  7. If you wear jack for the day what would you do !!!
  8. whear is the cannabel island filmd
  9. witch is your favorite potc film
  10. Did you like my quiz it's my first one :)

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