Do you know horses?

Alot of people in the world who say they love horses, but honestly, they don't! So take this quiz to find out if you are a real horse person or a faker! Take this quiz with some tough questions, and learn some stuff too!!!!!!!!!!!!

In a minute you will take this quiz and you will either ace or bomb it. really i dont think there is an imbetween on this one. you can do really well and know what im talking about, or you can do really poorly. Maybe there is a small middle, but not big! i dont know!

Created by: Curlygirl008
  1. What is the inner part of a horses hoof called
  2. Whats thrush?
  3. if your horses is colicing, what should you do?
  4. omg! your horse got into the feed room last night and ate a bunch of grain! what do you do?
  5. Oh great. You just found a rock in your horses hoof. The hoof is all swollen. What is most likely wrong
  6. You're at the riding stables and your friend asks you if she should use a martingale on her horse. Whats a martingale?
  7. Ok you decide to ride today. Your trainer gets a call that her daughter is sick and has to leave. before you go she tells you that you should cool your horse. You decide, no why should you and leave your horse hot and tired.
  8. Today it is snowing like CRAZY AND ITS ONLY 25 DEGREES! ru going to ride your horse
  9. Your cleaning your horses stall when you find sharp pieces of plastic that have broked off the feeder. What should you do with them
  10. Alright last question, how'd i do on this quiz? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: Do I know horses?