Do YOU know Georgia?

You should take my quiz! Seriusly you should! It's alot of fun for me and my friends to make random quizzes about random stuff! I hope you'll take my quiz! See ya and have a great one!

TAke my quiz! It's fun for no paticular reason! Enjoy it and take it! Sorry if you don't get what you want! I HOPE YOU TAKE MY QUIZ OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

Created by: Ally
  1. Where is Roswell?
  2. What is the GA state bird?
  3. What is the state capital?
  4. What is the Hockey team?
  5. What is the Basketball team?
  6. What is the Baseball team?
  7. What is the state theme song?
  8. Is there a Coke museum in Atlanta?
  9. Choose one! (no effect)
  10. Ready for results!

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Quiz topic: Do I know Georgia?