Do you have depression?

About 3 million people around the world suffer from depression yearly, and this can all end very tragically... (Don't do it) But this quiz is about depression so.... yeah!

Remember, this quiz wasn't made by a professional, this quiz was made by someone with depression. If you are concerned about your mental health, please go to your nearest hospital and ask for a therapist or something

Created by: WillowV74
  1. In the past 6 months, have you been feeling down?
  2. How is your "emotion ratio"?
  3. In the past 2 weeks-6 months, have you been irritable?
  4. Do you have mother issues?
  5. Do you have father issues?
  6. Do you have random headaches or stomachaches?
  7. Siblings??
  8. Have you experienced a traumatic event of any kind?
  9. Do you like your work\school? Do you feel motivated when you go there?
  10. Do you have an eating disorder of any kind?
  11. Do you do self harm?
  12. You feel tired ____
  13. Did you enjoy the quiz?(No effect)

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Quiz topic: Do I have depression?