Do you have body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)?

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Are you experiencing self-esteem issues when it comes to physical appearance? There's a chance you could have body dysmorphic disorder. Make sure to check with your doctor after taking this quiz if you get a high score.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, and neither is this quiz. Never take the advice of online quizzes in the place of advice from a real medical professional.

Created by: grimmchild
  1. I spend a lot of my time looking at myself in the mirror (self-consciously)
  2. It's hard to stop focusing on my physical flaws.
  3. I believe that I look beautiful.
  4. My thoughts about how I look are mostly good thoughts.
  5. I believe that other people probably judge my appearance negatively.
  6. It's hard for me to enjoy social events because of my insecurities about physical appearance.
  7. I don't really have fun in life because I'm so insecure about my appearance.
  8. I often compare my looks to other people's looks.
  9. I feel depressed or anxious because of my insecurities about my appearance.
  10. It's hard to get through the day because of how much I think of my appearance.
  11. I can't do things I want to do because I'm worried people will think I look bad.
  12. I often ask people about how I look hoping for reassurance.
  13. People tell me I'm beautiful, but I know I'm ugly.
  14. I use a lot of makeup or try to hide my appearance flaws.
  15. My relationships are negatively affected by my insecurities about my appearance.

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Quiz topic: Do I have body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)?