Do you have alot in common with me?

This quiz is created to show a percentage of how much in common you have with me. There is no wrong answers, Just more suitable ones. The questions may be random but they do all have a purpose!

So take the quiz and lets see your results. Who knows, you may be suprised by the outcome. We could end up best buds or you could learn to keep out of my way but Remember, there are no wrong answers!

Created by: Tom
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is art? The answers are contradicting on purpose.
  2. On a scale of 1 to 6 (1 being low), how important is education?
  3. Do you cosider yourself "high cultured"?
  4. Can girls play football?
  5. Who was your favourite film character out of these?
  6. What possible careers would interest you if you could?
  7. Do you like arguments with people who disagree?
  8. Would you rather...
  9. Do you like to dance?
  10. Choose a word

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Quiz topic: Do I have alot in common with me?