Do you get out enough? Quiz

Have you ever wonderd if you get out enough??? Or if you go out way too much??? Well this is the quiz for you!!! This will ask you questions to see if you have enough stuff to do in your spare time, or if you need to start stamp collecting or something.

By takeing this quiz, you will determine if you have enough entertainment in your life, or too much. It will also give you hints of how to make your life more intteresting. Please take the time to take this quiz, and tell your friends about it. Enjoy!

Created by: :)hi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you go to the movies?
  2. How many hours a day do you spend at your house?
  3. About how many times a week do you get out and do something?
  4. Do you live in your parents house and mooch off them?
  5. What is the longest amount of time you have ever stayed in your house?
  6. Have you ever refused an invite to a friends house or a trip?
  7. If you just get a new car, or first car, do you:
  8. Is this quiz makeing you rethink your lifestyle?
  9. I really can't think of another question.
  10. a

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Quiz topic: Do I get out enough? Quiz