Do You Belong at the Great Ga'Hool Tree?

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In the world of Guardians of Ga'Hool there are many owls. Good owls, evil owls, and guardians of the Great Ga'Hool tree. These owls are smart, brave, and loyal to the Great Tree.

Do you have what it takes to be a Guardian of Ga'Hool? Can you tell the diffence between good and evil, friend and foe? Can you speak no words but true ones, can you help the needy and make powerless those who abuse the frail? Well, rise up with hearts sublime and see if you should be a Guardian of Ga'Hool.

Created by: Tigress
  1. What is a fleck?
  2. Battle Claws are:
  3. Metal Beak is:
  4. Soren is best friends with
  5. "...We Pick Apart Every Pellet With Glee!!! Perhaps We'll Find a Rodent's Knee!!! And Than There's the Substance that Makes our Hearts Soar!!! The Glittering ________ That We Find at the Core!!!"
  6. Glaux and Hool are
  7. Would you join the Pure Ones?
  8. What is the first thing you think of when you see Twilight, the Great Grey?
  9. Have you read any Guardians of Ga'Hool Books?
  10. The Great Ga'Hool Tree is located in/on a:
  11. Would you pick up a pair of battle claws and fight the Pure Ones???
  12. Who is better, Soren or Kludd?
  13. Who is better, Nyra or Nyroc?
  14. Who is better, Uglamore or Stryker?
  15. Who is better, Heath MacHeath or Cody MacHeath?
  16. Rate or Comment?

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Quiz topic: Do I Belong at the Great Ga'Hool Tree?