Do u really,really kno the real me?

There Are People out there that think they know everything about me and now lets see is its true put it to the test.Take it and stop bragging.If u fail the first time u can take it again so dont sweat it even though i can look and c how many times it took u to get some right so no pressure c ya.

Do u really know everything about me.i doubt if barley anyone does?.Well u better get some right otherwise i will be disappointed in you.Hope u can do better than the last guy he managed to get 3 questions right. so lets cover more ground them her good luck!

Created by: Devon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Easy: Favorite Football team
  2. Kinda Hard:Who is My GF?
  3. Hard:What was my middle name supposed 2 Be?
  4. Hard?What is my moms name?
  5. Hard:My Favorite Sport
  6. Pretty Dang Hard:What type of dogs do i have?
  7. Hard:My Favorite Drink
  8. very Hard:Wat Makes me very Hyper?
  9. Easy:Which of my Family members am i attached to?
  10. Hard:Favorite TV Channel

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