Do u no how to text

My quiz is very important for texters and i don't mean the pen i mean the cell phone people it could be handy if your in trouble like your trapped :D !

u r very welcome to come to try this again as much as u want but heres a tip on some cheat codes: gtg=got to go to=2 brb=be right back tp=toilet paper

Created by: eMily
  1. wat does brb mean?
  2. wat does ittntp mean
  3. which one is a shark?
  4. which one is cat?
  5. how in text do u say "you are funny"
  6. which is the odd one out?
  7. which one is a glad face?
  8. Which face is confused?
  9. If u were trapped and u had your phone you were tied to a chair with your hands and legs how do u get help?
  10. which one tells u your bored?

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