Do U Know Your Warrior Cats?!?

There are the people who like to know what happens one the next book when there only on the first book then there are the people who wait and you my friend are the one's that don't wait. And that's to the one's are taking this when there only one the first book.

Are a Warrior Cat fan?!?! Do you the books a lot or are the people who can't wait what happens on the next book? If you're both you should take this quiz right now! :)

Created by: Bluestar
  1. What book did Fireheart come in
  2. Who hated Fireheart the most
  3. When dose Fireheart become deputy
  4. Why does Bluestar die
  5. What book does Bluestar die
  6. How does Firestar die
  7. Why do they leave the Forrest
  8. Who was Squirrelflights mate
  9. Who did Leafpool love
  10. Why did Feathertail die

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Quiz topic: Do U Know my Warrior Cats?!?