Warrior cats love story

This quiz is about what warrior loves you. I hope you like it.

The warriors are Nightwhisper , Smallbreeze , and the medicine cat Stormstrike. There are also other cats but they won't show up in the results.

Created by: Stormstripeofshadpwclan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The naming ceremony for the new apprentices is about to begin. There are only two apprentices and you know Nightwhisper, Smallbreeze, and even the medicine cat Stormstrike wanted one, but so did you. You thought that ________ deserved one.
  2. It turns out Stormstrike got one and the leader got the other. As Stormstrike steps into the sunlight, you realize how blue his eyes are. You think.....
  3. Later that day Nightwhisper asks you to go hunting with him. You say.....
  4. The next day, Smallbreeze catches green cough. You think.....
  5. When Smallbreeze gets better, you......
  6. In the evening, lilypool asks you to chose another cat to go with them on patroll. You......
  7. On the patroll you catch a mouse. It is big enough for two cats. You share it with.....
  8. That night you have a dream. You were chasing a cat through the forest to tell them that you loved them. When you woke up, you realized that that cat was.....
  9. (Only answer this if you said greydawn in the last question) all day you thought about your dream about greydawn. You decide to......
  10. Finally, all three cats confront you. They say that they love you. You.....

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