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"DO NOT CLICK THIS TOO" is a quiz created by me, smartgirl115. Most of you know me as smartie; most of you also know me as shreklover123, which is my second account.

I have created a sequel to "DO NOT CLICK THIS", an old quiz I made myself. If this quiz needs any improvements, please say so in the comments box. Make sure to rate as well :)

Created by: smartgirl115
  1. Remember "DO NOT CLICK THIS", my quiz?
  2. If you do remember, good for you!
  3. Instead of telling you horrible stories, I'm going to give scenarios. Simply select whatever answer appeals to you the most, okay?
  4. You see a hobo near your home. He's searching for food in your garbage bin. He approaches you and begs desperately for a crumb/piece of *insert food you're eating here*. What would you do?
  5. Oh, no! Your next door neighbor is actually a pedophile who is sexually attracted to younger children. What would you do at a time like this?
  6. Some random guy approaches you and starts to compliment your body. What would you say?
  7. You and your friend are arguing, because both of you like the same guy/girl. What would the both of you do?
  8. Your parent(s) tell(s) you that you have to get braces. To make matters worse, picture day is tomorrow at your school, and you want to look your best. How would you handle this scenario?
  9. You found out that your best friend is the most popular girl/boy in school. What would you do to get her/him back?
  10. The new kid at school is jeered at by everybody because that person was born with facial deformity and a severely hunched back. During lunchtime, you notice the newcomer sitting alone, drowning in sorrow. What would you do?

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