do I think he likes me?

Theres this guy at school who I think likes me. This is a quiz where the questions are replaced with things he does with me at school. Please help me know if he really likes me or not, cuz I really like him too. U can tell me in the comments section whether what u got for results was yes he likes u or no he don't like u.

Does he like me?! I like him, but how does he feel about me? Can u help me by taking this quiz and telling me in the results if he likes me or not? Thanks, and I hope u do leave me a comment.

Created by: MRBanana16

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. He stares at me a lot
  2. He play fights with me
  3. He imatates me in his funny voice
  4. He likes it when I call him "Christy"
  5. He smiles at me all the time
  6. He always honest with me
  7. He always ask me to borrow at least something everyday at school
  8. When he pass by my locker,he always tries to make conversation
  9. He has followed me to my bus
  10. When I get in the bus, he comes to my window and always highfives it ✋
  11. Can u plz comment and or rate ur results?

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