Discover your personality type

You get to choose your personality. Your are ether adventurous, creative, or quiet, calm book lover. What is a book lover? Someone who is passionate about books. A person like this would read day and night.

Are you a book lover? Would you read every second of your life even when you where eating? You could want to but you can't it's not possible. But would you read all day notepad of having a friend over for nothing. Not many people are book lovers but many looked books.

Created by: Mac
  1. What would be the first thing on your bucket list?
  2. What would you rather do after school?
  3. What would be the best trip?
  4. What would be a super fun birthday party?
  5. What would you do when your bored?
  6. If you had a day to do whatever you want what would you do?
  7. What would be your second job choice if the job you want dosent work out ?
  8. What would be the coolest birthday present ever?
  9. What's your fav store?
  10. If you got 1,000 dollars for your birthday what would you spend it on?

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Quiz topic: Discover my personality type