Digestive System Quiz

Digestion. It's never an easy topic to understand. After reading through this online portal on it, you probably know 80% more than your present knowledge of it.

Want to see if you really understand this topic? Are you sure you know it well? If not, please do read through the notes again. It is very important to know this topic well. But if you feel that you are ready... Be brave enough to take this quiz to find out...

Created by: Marjorie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are the two types of digestion?
  2. Where does chemical digestion occur?
  3. what gets produced in the liver?
  4. what is the role of the gall bladder?
  5. what gets broken down in the mouth?
  6. what gets digested in the stomach?
  7. what gets digested in the small intestine?
  8. where does the absorption of nutrients occur?
  9. what is the longest period of time that food takes to be digested?
  10. bile dissolves fats in the small intestine in the same way as ... *complete the sentence*

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