Differentiation Instruction

This quiz will help instutors determine if the have learned what differentiation instruction is. This quiz will review what was learned in the course.

Instructors who take the course must recieve a 100 percent score on this quiz in order to receive credit. I wish you the best of luck on this quiz. Take your time.

Created by: Jessica
  1. Differntiation Instruction means?
  2. Student-centered instructional approach means
  3. Co-operative learning means
  4. Students who are kinesthetic or tactile learners need what to be able to learn?
  5. Visual learners learn by
  6. Teacher-centered instructional approach means
  7. Students learning ability is affected by
  8. Is it important for instructors to familiarize themselves with students background and culture?
  9. When it comes to students learning, is it one size fits all?
  10. The best type of learning

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