did you see a dragon

READ THIS PLEASE I have always had a love for dragons. I've been trying to prove to the world that dragons still exist. you see I want one, just one to show the world that they really exist.

KEEP READING, you all might be thinking that I'm crazy, but I'm only 12. You see I have been searching for dragons to prove to the world that they are still out there, that they're not just some fairy tale character, that they're a special kind of creature that not many people have given a chance, but with your help we can tell the world that they're still out there. So anyway thank you for seeing such a magnificent creature.

Created by: dragonsearcher

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what did the wings look like?
  2. what did the body look like?
  3. what did the tail look like?
  4. what did the head look like?
  5. where did you see this dragon
  6. where were you when you saw the dragon
  7. what color was the dragon
  8. what time of day was it when you saw the dragon
  9. are you sure you saw a dragon
  10. are you lying about seeing a dragon (this doesn't effect)

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