Dance Moms Personality Quiz

I really hope you enjoyed this. Sorry if I messed up, I selected an incorrect type of quiz. Very sorry. So enjoy! Ok, so yeah hope you enjoy! Still very sorry.

You are goinfpg to hate this quiz. I messed up on the results so I am very sorry. Please do not complain. I already know i messed up. Sorry! Ok, enjoy!

Created by: Annabelle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What girl would you want to be mostly like?
  2. What is your favorite style of dance?
  3. Are you the "favorite?"
  4. What are you most like?
  5. If you continued dance, what would you want to become?
  6. What do you look like?
  7. If you were the star, and lost at a competition, would you cry?
  8. If you were center spotlight, would you like it?
  9. What is your Strength in Dance?
  10. Do you Have/Dance with good Confidence?

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