Could you pass the 5th grade (in canada)? | Comments

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  • But I learned that stuff in french and I don't know the english words!! :0

  • Okay quiz.. ARE YOU BORED? Then, have a bit of fun with my quizzes! Here they are:

    "Could you pass the 7th grade? (Canada)"
    "Who are you in your circle of friends?"
    And, finally, my top-rated quiz:
    "Would you survive the end of the world?
    I promise, you won't regret it!!!

  • Dude.. you spelled ESCHER wrong... and Rome is in Italy... I should've gotten that right.... AND.... dominance of the brain does vary from person to person. Left brain dominant people are proficient in math and science while right is significant to art and music. Because of this, not everybody writes with the same hand.


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