Could you be my best friend?

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I have a lot of friends,but I haven't quite found that BFF! Could you be my best friend? I look for a person to rely on and tell my secrets to. A best friend is someone I can be true to.

Do you think you fit the reqirements to be my best friend? We shall see......Thanks to everyone who participated. Also, this is for fun so dont take it too seriously.

Created by: LiveLife

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your popularity status?
  2. Which of the following sounds more like you?
  3. What would you consider yourself?
  4. Have you been in any fights? If so,how many?
  5. Do you get out of the house to hang out with friends?
  6. How strict are your parents?
  7. What grades do you get in school?
  8. Do you pile all your problems on your friends or take them out on them?
  9. Be honest, how would you rate yourself as a friend?(1 meaning the worst and 10 meaning the best)
  10. Do you expect gifts on your birthday even if you don't ever give gifts on other people's birthdays?
  11. Do you base people off of looks or personality?

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