Confinement Part 39 | Comments

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  • i'm scared that the two bodies are naomi and lauren... ok, since i haven't seen flame in a while, rave is my favorite! i can totally imagine him waking up with a lazy smile, and me just next to him, curled up sleeping- AH GIVE FLAME A CHANCE SELF! can't wait to read part 40!

  • Oh yeah, I almost forgot, why is Tallon in the Ardones? Meh, I'm sure I'll figure it out. :P

  • So many questions! Are Lauren and Naomi dead or alive? What was that thing on the other side of the door? Where is Hef's house located? And, most importantly, I won't be going back to school will I? Something BIG is going to happen in part 40 I know it! As always fantastic part, Dannica!

  • i had nothing to say.... just..... wow.

    i haven't been on gotoquiz in a longggg time. and I'm like hmmmm lets check up on dannica. and then boom! i get hit by a good morning reading that made me almost hop off my seat, get outside, and yell. Can't wait o what happens next.

  • so how exactly do i read part 40 before my mind explodes from all this rave action!!! god girl you have like special super powers for making them fictional characters give me a heart attack. i am having an internal conflict of which guy is better flame or rave. i felt like rave is real and i wonder if there is llike an online boy store where you can like order him. seriously. i need to get me one of them raves. *fangirls* you have an amazing talent of making your characters come alive. that is what true authors do. you are amazing and so is ur writing. pls get part 40 out soon.

  • Oh my Rowling! I can't. I was just having these huge amounts of Rave feels in this edition.

    Three hours ago, I began reading over Confinement from the beginning and I got so much Flame feels, I was almost sobbig and my mum had to hug me. It was so funny because I told her, "Fictional characters can ruin your life." Omfg can Flame be reality? He's so gorgeous--i'm so done with life.

  • You're moving to Wattpad after this? Holy fudge balls, I need to talk to you! I'll email you as soon as I'm done reading this edition!

  • @xxblutixx omg hi!!!!! I missed you so much *sobs* I'm so glad that you're back!

  • *spot saved for really long comment once I get ontomy computer in a couple hours* but what I CAN say quickly on this subpar Kindle touchscreen (shhh Kindle, I still love you) is eeeeeeeeeppppppp! *flying tackle huggles Dannica* I missed you! You never fail to bring a smile, and most times laughter and extreme feels (a lot of the fangirl variety) to my day. You don't even know how much better you just made my day (no lie, it started really crappily today [sorry for the language :P]) *waves to everyone else* it feels so weird being back on GTQ after 2 months... I have a lot of reading and writing (and fangirling) to catch up on...

  • I like how there are little mysteries in each narrative! Like why Tallon is in Ardones, the bodies found in the car crash, and then the thing that pushed the door...I'm really excited for the last part! And don't worry, I feel the same way about's just not the same anymore :'( but as long as you're still here finishing up your story, I'm absolutely fine

  • Aw what happened to Rave's sister :(((( Dude I believe this story will exceed new heights ! I'm so excited to where this is going to go I can just feel how great this story is going to be! And I'm excited for what you're going to produce on wattpad after all this!! YAAAY!

  • What IS IN ARDONES! I can't get past that, why is he there?! Because Rave went there and I guess that weird strange guy that Penelope Basil told me not to go to is where Tallon wants to go?? And what was in that room! And the bodies!!! Dannica!!

  • Why did it just enter in a blank comment? What the hell? ANYWAYS! I feel really horrible... Like, your writing is truly amazing and I'm sorry that you miss the old times... I technically was reading your stories while those that you mentioned were commenting and reading as well, but I just don't really comment on things. I'm following you on Wattpad though! Wattpad is such an amazing website! I would like to actually write a story an post it, but I get really nervous, so that most likely will not happen. Anywho! I love this story! Unlike in your previous series, I seriously can't decide which guy to like! They are each likable in their own ways and I just want them all. Polygamy? Yeah?!?! You could make this happen! MULTIPLE HUSBANDS! Who needs to choose when you can have them all?! And I'm just gonna say right now, if that was me, my ass would have been slamming that door shut the moment I saw a shadow! Shadow figures are NEVER good! NEVER!

  • Yess!! This was a great part, as usual. Okay so things are definitely starting to heat up here: the bodies? The thing on the other side of the door? I think it's all going to wind down at the Inaugural Dance! Rave seriously kills me, you always make up the best guy characters, but Rave is just out of this world *drools* Part 40!!!


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