Colleen Willis Quiz

Do you think u know a lot about Colleen Willis? If u do, than take this test.Did u know Colleen is a fan of David Archuleta? Just a fact..if you want to know more, than takethis awesome quiz!!!!

Just take this quiz and find out about her. ther is not info about really personal things....!!!! So don't take this quiz to find out personal information, mainly just for her friends and fans!

Created by: Colleen
  1. How old is Colleen in the year 2008?
  2. What town does Colleen live in?
  3. Which one is one of Colleen's friends?
  4. What are Colleen's siblings names?
  5. How many pets does Colleen have!
  6. What's her dad's name?
  7. What is her middle name?
  8. Colleen's favorite food is:
  9. Colleen is good at:
  10. Colleen's personality is:
  11. What color are Colleen's eyes?
  12. What's her dog's name?
  13. What color is Colleen's hair?
  14. What is her favorite kind of drink:

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