Click here to listen to me talk to myself.

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Hello. This is the last quiz I'll be making for a while. No biggie. Blah blah blah. Intro paragraphs are so boring to type. Bleeeehhhhh. -.- I like food.

Like the quiz pic? I think it's pretty cute. :)) Dan is sexy, even with the llama hat. Have you heard him make llama noises? It's freakin' hilarious!!

Created by: Firey_Soul

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay, so I haven't been having very good luck with my quizzes lately. I don't expect this to show up on the new quizzes list, so if you're one of the 5 people reading this... you're awesome.
  2. Gotoquiz is getting on my last nerve... and you never know a good thing until it's gone. So maybe I should just go...
  3. No, no! Not permanantly! I could never leave gotoquiz forever. What I'm doing here is I'm going on strike. I'm not making anymore quizzes for a while. However, I will comment on other quizzes when I want to, so it's not like I'll be totally gone. Oh, and sorry for posting those (un-funny) pointless quizzes.
  4. Anyway, if you want to find me, I'll be on wattpad. That is one awesome site.
  5. This is the part where I talk to myself...
  6. Paranormal Love is going to be really different on wattpad. (Did I say 'minor changes' Oops! I meant major changes!) Since I'm re-writing the story, there's no limit to what I can do!
  7. I've already changed Anthony and Allissa's names... Anthony isn't even in the story this time, it's Dan. Skye seems a bit more pouty then I'd like her to be :/, but then again, I've only written like 3 or 4 paragraphs.
  8. I already know which guy Skye will end up with. Since this won't be a quiz, there doesn't need to be as many guys. Maybe I should take out one or two. I love all my characters, but maybe some of them need to go. Ooh! Or they could just play a different role...
  9. Or maybe I should just blow off the entire thing and make a shorter story that I've wanted to post. I have a crapload of ideas.

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