Can you predict the future? | Comments

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  • I feel like I go through predictions at least once a week and the weird thing is most of the time it usually happens it's sometimes nice but sometimes creepy as well. Cool quiz mate.

  • I have a couple of predictions. One was an earthquake, at night I was thinking about an earthquake so much like it was a random thought and in the morning there was a pretty strong earthquake. The second was a small voice telling me dont let your boyfriend drive mad, when I asked him is there anything wrong he told me he was angry because he had a problem at home so I was correct. And the third was a car incident, a small voice in my mind told me be careful with the cars and I didnt know what it was meant, then when me and my boyfriend were on our way somewhere we ended up crashing the car a bit. So then I know what it meant.

  • I knew the year trump would get impeached. I knew who was harrasing me. I knew who was spying with a drone, I knew conicodents of a friend lossing his bussiness getting vehical

    Stollen. I predicted my mothers killer. And i knew my doctor was poisoning me.

  • I had a dream about a week ago that I would be holding up a beige purse with a long strap for your shoulder and like holding the strap and saying "I really really like this!" and Yesterday me and my dad were in the store looking for purses cause I need one and it happened. I did the same thing that I did in my dream..

  • I predicted that my boyfriend would dump me for a guy with black hair and a large body... I was correct, I predicted that a new student would have a crush on my boyfriend... I was correct, im also predicting the end of the world. I Think it will end in a catastrophic form of destruction (nuclear bombs, earthquake,etc) I also predict that the world will freeze over with nuclear radiation eventually leading mutations to the human race forcing us to develop hard skin.

  • I predicted that my boyfriend would dump me for a guy with black hair and a large body... I was correct, I predicted that a new student would have a crush on my boyfriend... I was correct, im also predicting the end of the world. I Think it will end in a catastrophic form of destruction (nuclear bombs, earthquake,etc) I also predict that the world will freeze over with nuclear radiation eventually leading mutations to the human race forcing us to develop hard skin.

  • Yes!!! I can predict the future! :3

  • I can totally predict the future!!! But, i kinda already knew that, and i,m kinda not wanting to beleive it.....


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