Can you predict the future? | Comments

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  • wowwee I can predict the future! but I already knew that teehee... sorry I won't tell you my name and school. I live in Minnesota if you really wanna know. but for realz! I swear to cow I can tell the future sometimes! I've had dreams that came true, not exactly like in the dream but really close. I've been in situations where about a minute before something happens I think in the back of my mind for a split second 'this is gonna happen' then oh look omygoodness! it does! it's actually kinda creepy.... and I don't know how to control what future I see or anything.... but hmmm maybe I can train myself heehee. nice quiz your awesome [c:

  • uhh yeah you can predict the future? Can you tell me what will happen in my future? Wait of corse you can! oh can you leave a coment i want to know your name and school please oh please!!!

    My name doesn't matter and school is *whispers*! In your distant future you shall get the job of your life with ease! In the near future you will get at least a B on your next test without studying.

    Pyra Potter
  • OMG!!!! Kindkittycat my name is Alex to and I also goto Kelburn Normal School in Wellington New Zealand! Creepy! But I also got You can predict the future

  • wow thanks for this quiz my name is Alex and I goto Kelburn Normal School in Wellington New Zealand. it was amazing and yay i can predict the future

  • I got yes not school too personal my name is lilly

    by the way i see gifts in your future.... and a family member visiting you...

  • this is so weird! YOu sjould take my quiz. It's REALLY messed up! it's called love and bloood.

    bla city

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