Can you predict the future?

do you wanna know hey can i/you predict the future well this quiz gives you the awnsers you seek and a few with a twist! Well what am I keeping you sitting around there for try the quiz!

ARE YOU A FUTURE PREDICTER? well find out now you could know in just a few minitues! so try it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: kindkittycat
  1. what number
  2. have you ever had a dream witch came true?
  3. do you see stuff in the sky?
  4. coulor! what coulor am I thinking of?
  5. apples
  6. if your a boy select skip! girls what do your besties plan to name your kids? in between
  7. girls select skip. boys what do your besties plan to name their kids in between...
  8. favourite coulor (you)
  9. what am i thinking of
  10. OK last question did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Can I predict the future?