Can you get a guy to like you?

Do you think you go what it takes to get a guy. Are you sure(lifting eyebrow up) well take my quiz and find out are you like the main event when it comes to dating.

Cuz we already know that looks arent everything. It's about your style. The way you talk the way you act. The way you treat other people. So take my quiz and see if finding a guy for you is easIer than you think!

Created by: Nana
  1. What's your type of boy?
  2. How would you ask a guy out?
  3. What is your style
  4. What would be the perfect first date?
  5. How would you break up with a boy?
  6. How would you break up with a boy?
  7. How would you break up with a boy?
  8. How would you get a guys attention?
  9. What would you do if your bf broke up with u?
  10. Wat wud u do if some tramp was all Ova ur guy!?

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Quiz topic: Can I get a guy to like you?