Butterknife vs. Spork

Good VS. Evil. Evil VS. Good. butterknife VS. spork... it all started out as a wierd conversation. then the battle begun. sporks. butterknifes. silverware where will this end

WHO WILL WIN THIS EPIC BATTLE?? stay tunes on aline's page for more quizzes, and go to kayla o's page to read the story. yes it is wierd. but hey have some fun and take the dang on quiz. stay tuned on kayla's page for the story to continue. there will be plenty of updates. so have some fun and take this quiz.

Created by: Aline
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who are you voting for in this epic battle? (just answer the question)
  2. random questions now.
  3. fav. color outta these
  4. pointyness
  5. u prefer to...
  6. u r...
  7. if u could do one it would be...
  8. you like
  9. umm... pick a name
  10. do u like 6 year olds?

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